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Turn Policy: Vectorize: Trace

Turn Policy

Turn Policy

  • Turn Policy denotes the decision making process used to calculate Paths when converting an Image into a Vector format.

  • Paths are calculated by moving along the edges between the image's pixels.

  • Each time a corner is encountered, the Path either goes straight, turns left or turns right, depending upon the colors of the surrounding pixels. 

  • Turn Policy is used to decide between Left or Right Turns.

  • Changing the turn policy may help improve the outcome if modifying the other adjustments aren't giving the desired result.

Raster to Vector is the process of taking a Raster image and converting it into a Vector to edit in Designer and Trace.

A Raster is a Bitmap image (JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.) that is made up of a grid of Pixels, such as a photograph.

A Vector is a drawn graphic path which is defined by a Start and End point, which may contain other Points, Curves, and Angles, drawn in Trace.

Converting a Raster Image to a Vector

See: Raster Definition

See: Vector Definition

See: Vectorize in Designer Function

See: Vectorize in Trace Function

A Vector is a graphic drawing in Trace that contains Paths, which are defined by a Start and End point and may contain other Points, Curves, and Angles.

The Vector Paths are independent of resolution, which means they can be resized without losing detail.

A Path is also a file format of Trace which saves all of the Vector elements of the design as you work, whether it is Traced or not. 

When the design is completed, save it as a CutArt to load into Designer.

Vector Design in Trace

See: Raster Definition

See: Vector Definition

See: Raster to Vector Definition

See: Vectorize in Designer Function

See: Vectorize in Trace Function

Raster to Vector is the process of taking a Raster image and converting it into a Vector to edit in Designer and Trace.

A Raster is a Bitmap image (JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.) that is made up of a grid of Pixels, such as a photograph.

A Vector is a drawn graphic path which is defined by a Start and End point, which may contain other Points, Curves, and Angles, drawn in Trace.

See: Raster Definition

See: Vector Definition

See: Vectorize in Designer Function

See: Vectorize in Trace Function

A Path (.wpx) is a drawn Vector graphic path in Trace which is defined by a Start and End point, which may contain other Points, Curves, and Angles.

The Paths are independent of resolution, which means they can be resized without losing detail.

The Path file format in Trace will save all of the Vector elements of the design as you work, whether it is Traced or not. 

When the design is completed, save it as a CutArt to load into Designer.

  • Select the desired Turn Policy from the dropdown control.

    • Minority: Minority prefers to connect the color (black or white) that occurs least frequently within the surrounding area of the current position.

    • Majority: Majority prefers to connect the color that occurs most frequently.

    • Right: Right always takes a right turn.

    • Black: Black prefers to connect black components.

    • White: White prefers to connect white components.

  • The default turn policy is Minority.

  • The Black and White policies also look at the original pixel colors, which may have been inverted, to determine the direction of the turn.

  • After all of the Paths have been drawn and have been completed into closed paths, then the algorithm can then move onto the next step of Tracing the design.