Trace and Draw Tab: PathTrace Editor

Trace and Draw Tab: PathTrace Editor

Trace and Draw Tab

Trace and Draw Tab

Use the Trace and Draw tab to further edit and customize the design by providing drawing capabilities.

Additionally, the user can load an image into the background that can be drawn over for the desired object shape, such as a patch design.

Draw Line

Draw Line

Draw Line draws a line.

Left-click sets the point under the cursor.

Right-click snaps to the nearest point.

Hold down the CTRL key to draw only horizontal and vertical lines.

Draw Arc

Draw Arc

Draw Arc draws a three-point arc, which has a start, middle, and end point.

Left-click sets the point under the cursor.

Right-click snaps to the nearest point.

Draw Oval

Draw Oval

Draw Oval draws an oval.

Left-click sets the point under the cursor.

Right-click snaps to the nearest point.

Hold down the CTRL key to draw a circle.

Example below shows an oval and a circle.

Move Point

Move Point

Move Point moves a point of an entity (i.e., center point of an arc).

Move the midpoint of a line to turn it into a curve.

Right-click snaps to nearest point.

Circles and ovals need to be exploded before their points can be moved.

Hold down the CTRL key moves a point only vertically or horizontally.

Example shows the midpoint of the right side of the rectangle has been moved outward, creating a curve.

Copy Object

Copy Object

Copy Object makes an identical copy of an object.

Right-click snaps to the nearest point when grabbing and releasing an object.

Hold the Shift key to move an object rather than copy it.

Hold the CTRL key to copy/move the object only horizontally or vertically.

Move Object

Move Object

Copy Object will move an object if the Shift key is held down.

Select the Copy function and select the object.

Hold down the Shift key to move it rather than copying it.
Right-click snaps to the nearest point when grabbing and releasing an object.
Hold the CTRL key to copy/move the object only horizontally or vertically.

Select Copy Object with Shift key to move an object.

Mirror Object

Mirror Object

Mirror Object creates a mirror copy of an original object along an axis.

Any existing line in the design can be used as the axis.

Or use Draw Line or Offset Circuit to create an object to use as an axis where one is needed.

Hold the Shift key to perform a mirror move rather than a mirror copy.

The object below was mirrored using the left line for the axis.

After using Explode Circuit, the middle lines were Deleted (one line per object).

Select Edit > Mirror All to flip the entire design.

Delete Object

Delete Object

Delete Object deletes the selected object.

Select Delete Object then click on the object to be deleted.

Object is deleted.

NOTE: The rectangle displayed here had been exploded. Only one line was deleted rather than the entire rectangle.

Load Image

Load Image

Load Image loads an image into the background that the user can draw over, such as a logo.

The image is loaded into the background.


Opacity determines the opacity of the image loaded into the background to make the drawing lines easier to see.

Move the scroll bar to the left to make the image dimmer.

Move the scroll bar to the right to make the image brighter.


Width is the width of the loaded image.

Enter the desired width of the image.

The height adjusts automatically.

Hint: To design a CutArt with a reveal distance around an original size, draw it true to size then use the Offset feature for the reveal.


Height is the height of the loaded image.
Enter the desired height of the image.

The width adjusts automatically.
Hint: To design a CutArt with a reveal distance around an original size, draw it true to size then use the Offset feature for the reveal.

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