Editing Pen Configurations: MatDesigner

Editing Pen Configurations: MatDesigner

Have the Pen Defined in the Defaults

Have the Pen Defined in the Defaults

The pen allows drawing onto the face of the matboard.

Have MatDesigner open on the main screen.

Click on Application Defaults.

Click Editor then Pens.

Select the desired pen number from the pen number field.

Enter the pen number description.

Click Color to select the pen ink color from the windows color picker.

Click Ok to assign the color to this pen number.

Pen Utility Depth Setting

Pen Utility Depth Setting

Have the pen and collar available.

Open the Pen Configuration screen.

Click the Install Pen button.

Follow the instructions on the screen.

Repeat until the desired depth has been determined.

Depth Setting

Depth Setting

Enter the depth setting in the Depth Setting field for the pen on the Pen tab.

Repeat for each pen defined.

Load and Cut Test Mat

Load and Cut Test Mat

Have MatDesigner open on main screen.

Click Saved Design button.

Go to the MatDesigner/Mats folder.

Click on Test Mats folder.

Click on the pen test mat.

Click Cut to take the configuration mat to the cut preview.

Cut the mat from the front of the mat with the cartridges prompted.

Mark an X in lower left corner of mat and opening on the cutting side before removing from CMC.

Look at the penned line. Is there any tearing of the surface of the matboard? Is the line unevenly spaced around the opening? Do any of the lines travel too far?

To make adjustments, go to the Configurations screen and click on the Pen tab.

Pen Configurations

Pen Configurations

Select the desired pen to edit by selecting it from the Pen dropdown control.

Horizontal Adjustment

Horizontal Adjustment

The line should be evenly spaced around the opening. If the line is in the wrong position horizontally (left and right), adjust the horizontal home.

Increase horizontal adjustment to move the line to the right.

Decrease horizontal adjustment to move the line to the left.

Vertical Adjustment

Vertical Adjustment

The line should be evenly spaced around the opening. If the line is in the wrong position vertically (up and down), adjust the vertical home.

Increase vertical adjustment to move the line up.

Decrease vertical adjustment to move the line down.

Opening Adjustment

Opening Adjustment

Measure the width of the line to make sure it is 3.375”. If it is not, change the opening adjustment.

Increase opening adjustment if the line too narrow.

Decrease opening adjustment if the line is too wide.

Corner Pause (ms)

Corner Pause (ms)

Corner Pause is the amount of time in milliseconds that the CMC will pause in corners.

If the matboard is tearing in the corners, increase the Corner Pause.



Overshoot is how much the line continues past the end of the segment. This is similar to an overcut, and is used to make the corners connect better on different sized pens.

Increase overshoot to make the line longer.

Decrease overshoot to make the line shorter.



Plunge will cause the head to lift between entities of an object when drawing.

Select plunge to plunge and unplunge in each corner segment of an object.

Unselect plunge to keep the head plunged for the duration of the object.

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