Some cartridges are available under specific circumstances.
The 45°+Cartridge is not selectable from the New Opening Screen or the Design screen.
The 45°+ Cartridge is selected on the Cut Preview Screen by selecting a Blade Depth above 16.
The 45° Front Cartridge is not selectable from the New Opening Screen or the Design screen.
The 45° Front Cartridge is selected on the Cut Preview Screen by selecting Options > Cut From Front Tool > Switch Between Front and Normal Tools and selecting to Cut From the Front of the mat.
The Non-Blade Cartridges (Deboss/Pen/Vinyl/Crease) are not selectable from the New Opening Screen or the Design screen for Templates.
You must first place the Non-Blade Cartridge object (Deboss/Pen/Vinyl/Crease) from the Openings Tab > Add Decorative Line then go to Properties Tab > Options to select the Template shape.