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LetterMat Min Height

LetterMat Min Height

LetterMat Min Height

  • The Original LetterMat Height is displayed in the Min Height field. 

  • This is the size the LetterMat was originally drawn and tested.

  • Always do a test cut first if cutting smaller than the Minimum Size.

  • Cutting LetterMats smaller than the Minimum Size is not recommended, and may give unexpected results.

  • LetterMats can be Debossed or Penned much smaller than they can be cut.

  • Default Settings: See Admin > Editor for the default settings to Enforce Minimum Sizes for CutArt/LetterMat.

The Parameters are set of specified variable characteristics related to the selected object that can be modified through the accompanying fields in Designer.

For example, the Chamfer is the symmetrical angled surface at the corner of the Template.

In Designer, the Template Parameter Map displays a diagram describing each parameter field for the current Template.


Keep Aspect Ratio keeps the CutArt, Image, LetterMat, etc. Height and Width proportionate to avoid distortion in Designer.

Keep Aspect Ratio

See: CutArt Properties

See: Image Properties

See: LetterMat Properties

See: TTF Properties