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8-Ply: Increasing the Head Pressure to Cut 8-Ply with the 45°+ Cartridge

How to Increase the Head Pressure to Cut 8-Ply with the 45°+ Cartridge

How to Increase the Head Pressure to Cut 8-Ply with the 45°+ Cartridge

  • These instructions will walk you through increasing the Head Pressure to cut 8-Ply Matboard with the 45°+ Cartridge.

  • The Head Air Regulator is located on the left side of the Head and controls the Air Pressure of the Footblock against the matboard as it is cutting.  

    • The Minimum operating Air Pressure is 35 psi.

    • The Maximum Air Pressure should be less than 60 psi to avoid crushing the matboard.   

  • The software will prompt for a Head pressure change only if the current mat is a different setting than the previously cut mat. If the settings are the same as the previously cut mat, the CMC will skip the following instructions and proceed to cut the mat.

Variable Pressure Optimization Feature Knob
Click the Cut Speeds Button to Open the Cut Speeds Screen