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Visualize Save

Save Button

Save Button

  • Use the Save Button to save the current project along with any selected Texture/Color SKUs.

  • Click the Save button to save the project along with any selected Textures and Colors to the SKUs entered. 

  • For Additional Information:

  • See the File Menu which has several save and export functions.

  • See Matboard Properties for information on assigning matboard SKUs to each layer of the design in Designer.

  • See Mat SKUs for information on assigning matboard SKUs to each layer of the design in Visualize.

  • See Frame SKUs for information on assigning Frame SKUs to each layer of the design in Visualize.

  • See Assign SKU to Layer for more information on Assigning a SKU to a Layer on the Cut Preview.

  • See Save SKU Images in Visualize for information on saving the thumbnails selected to the associated SKUs.

Subscribing to the specific Vendors allows you to select the desired SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) for Frames, Fillets and Mats in Designer and Visualize.  

If you are not Subscribed to the Vendor, their SKUs will not be displayed/selectable.

Frames and Fillets Properties

See: Subscription Definition

Save the Project Along With any Selected Textures/Colors to the SKUs Entered

Saving the Design

Saving the Design

Subscribing to the specific Vendors allows you to select the desired SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) for Frames, Fillets and Mats in Designer and Visualize.  

If you are not Subscribed to the Vendor, their SKUs will not be displayed/selectable.

See: Subscription Definition  

Save as a New Design

Save as a New Design

Creating Customer Designs

Creating Customer Designs