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Visualization FAQ

FrameShop Visualization Frequently Asked Questions

FrameShop Visualization Frequently Asked Questions

This is a list of the most frequently asked questions about Visualization and links to that topic on our FrameShop online help system.

How do I set up my Camera?

  • Attach the camera to your stand/ceiling mount and make sure that it is level.

What Cameras do you Recommend?

How High up From the Table Should the Camera be Placed?

  • The camera is usually placed about five feet above the counter/table surface.

Is There a Walk-Through to Show how Visualization Works?

Where are the Images for the Moulding/Mats?

How do I save the Selected Thumbnails of the Moulding/Mats to the SKU for Future Use?

How do I save the Image of the Finished Piece?

The Outside of the Mat Keeps Changing

How can I add Other Elements to the Design?

How can I Compare the Different Mouldings and Mats Selected on the Current Design?

The Picture I Loaded is Displayed at the Wrong Size

Where can I find more Information on the FrameShop Visualization software?