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Snapshot Preview

Snapshot Preview

Snapshot Preview

  • The Snapshot Preview allows the user to select and display several Snapshots taken for comparison purpose.

  • For Additional Information: See Take Snapshot for information on taking the Snapshots to preview.

In Visualize, the user can create a design and take a Snapshot of it.

The user can Compare all of the Snapshots taken, side-by-side, to show the customer for them to select the desired project.

Use Take Snapshot to Save a Snapshot of the Current Project to Compare with Other Snapshots

See: Snapshot Function

Use Snapshot Preview to Preview Several Snapshots Together

Compare Selected

Compare Selected

  • Select the desired Snapshot thumbnails in the Snapshot section by holding down the Shift key and clicking on each Snapshot. 

  • Optionally, click the Select All button.

  • Click the Compare Selected button which will open the selected Snapshots into the Snapshot Preview screen. 

Remove Snapshot

Remove Snapshot

Set Current

Set Current