Cut Speeds Button Screen: FrameShop Cut Preview Screen

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What to Expect When Updating to FrameShop 7x from FrameShop 4x: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQDWaQ

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Cut Speeds Button Screen: FrameShop Cut Preview Screen

Cut Speeds Button

Cut Speeds Button

Click the Cut Speeds button to open the Cut Speeds screen.

Use the Cut Speeds screen to select the cutting speed for each of the individual cartridges.

Cut Speed Percentage

Cut Speed Percentage

Enter the desired cut speed percentage for each cartridge type. 100% is cutting at full speed, 50% is cutting at half speed.  

When that particular cartridge is used next, it will use the new cut speed entered.

Slowing down the cut speed can help when cutting intricate designs to help prevent the head from skipping on tight corners. 

See Variable Pressure Optimization (VPO) for more information.

Speed Percentage Example

Speed Percentage Example

This example shows that the 90 Degree Cartridge will cut at 50% speed.

Dense Material

Dense Material

This is a feature of the VPO Head; not all CMC models have this feature.  

Click Dense Material if this is dense material and Click OK.  

When you click Cut, the Head plunges at the home position and applies the current air pressure.  

The user is prompted to adjust the head pressure to the High Setting

See Adjusting the Air Pressure for Dense Matboard for more information.

Extra Dense Material

Extra Dense Material

This is a feature of the VPO Head; not all CMC models have this feature.  

Click Extra Dense Material if this is extra dense material and you are cutting it with the 90° Cartridge.  

Adjust the speed slidebar below the Extra Dense Material checkbox to the desired cutting speed percentage and click OK. For instance, 50% is 50% of the standard cutting speed.  

When you click Cut, the Head plunges at the home position and applies the current air pressure.  

User is prompted to adjust the head pressure to the High Setting.

See: Adjusting the Air Pressure for Dense Matboard and Cutting an Extra Dense Layer with the 90 Degree Cartridge for more information.