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Line Design Details

  • Click on a Line to see the specific details about it. 

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Line Tool Definition
Line Tool Definition

The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. 

The Line is defined by two points: Initial Position (called an Anchor) and the Terminating Position (called an Anchor).

After it is drawn, a third point in the Center will be displayed, which can be moved to alter the line into an Arc.

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nameLine Tool Definition

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  • The Design Details section displays information about the selected line.

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Design Line Details

Start X and Start Y

  • Displays the Start X/Y Coordinates of the object’s start point when drawn.

    • If you clicked on the upper left and drew by dragging to the lower right, that would make the start point the upper left corner. 


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X and Y Position

titleY Position Definition

The Y Position field is used to set or display the Vertical position of the selected object in Designer, Trace and the Cut Preview. 

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The X Position field is used to set or display the Horizontal position of the selected object in Designer, Trace and the Cut Preview. 

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X and Y Position
nameX and Y Position Definition

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Mid X and Mid Y 

  • The Middle Point X and Y Coordinates.

titleX Position Definition

The X Position field is used to set or display the Horizontal position of the selected object in Designer, Trace and the Cut Preview. 

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titleY Position Definition

The Y Position field is used to set or display the Vertical position of the selected object in Designer, Trace and the Cut Preview. 

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End X and End Y 

  • The End Point X and Y Coordinates.

titleX Position Definition

The X Position field is used to set or display the Horizontal position of the selected object in Designer, Trace and the Cut Preview. 

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titleY Position Definition

The Y Position field is used to set or display the Vertical position of the selected object in Designer, Trace and the Cut Preview. 

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  • This displays the Angle, in degrees, of the Line.

  • The Angle is the space, in degrees, between a given line and an unseen horizontal line intersecting its end point. 

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  • Displays the Length of the Line in the current dimensions.

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Bevel Type 


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Bevel Type Definition

The Bevel Type refers to the angle at which the blade cuts the surface of the matboard when it deviates from the 90° right angle cut.

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titleTraced Definition

Tracing the Design provides the Bevel Type and other necessary information to the Vector design in order to either Cut or apply with a Non-Blade Tool on the CMC.

The Set Bevels Tab in Trace contains the tools needed to Trace the design.

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See: Tracing the Design

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nameTraced Definition

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titleTraced Definition

Tracing the Design provides the Bevel Type and other necessary information to the Vector design in order to either Cut or apply with a Non-Blade Tool on the CMC.

The Set Bevels Tab in Trace contains the tools needed to Trace the design.

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See: Tracing the Design

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Layer Definition
Layer Definition
nameLayers Definition

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