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Horizontal Home for Openings

The Horizontal home defines the global horizontal placement of objects cut with the blade cartridges.  

Opening Cuts too Far to the Right when Not Cutting the Outside: Horizontal Border too Big

Adjust the Horizontal home if the opening is cutting too far to the right (as it sat on the board) when you are not cutting the outside of the mat. This is measured from the inside of the bevel to the edge of the mat.

The opening is cutting too far to the right.

This is viewed as it cut on the machine, i.e., from the back if cutting from the back, or from the front if cutting from the front.

Decrease the Horizontal home.

When making adjustments, click the plus or minus button at the end of the desired field about five times. Click OK and do another test cut. Check the results of the cut and continue making adjustments until the desired outcome is achieved.

Opening Cuts too Far to the Left when Not Cutting the Outside: Horizontal Border too Small

Adjust the Horizontal home if the opening is cutting too far to the left (as it sat on the board) when you are not cutting the outside of the mat. This is measured from the inside of the bevel to the edge of the mat.

The opening is cutting too far to the left.

This is viewed as it cut on the machine, i.e., from the back if cutting from the back, or from the front if cutting from the front.

Increase the Horizontal home.

When making adjustments, click the plus or minus button at the end of the desired field about five times. Click OK and do another test cut. Check the results of the cut and continue making adjustments until the desired outcome is achieved.

Horizontal Home Troubleshooting

Alternatively, adjust the Horizontal home on the Troubleshooting Screen.

Adjusting the Horizontal Position for Non-Blade Cartridges

To adjust the Horizontal placement of the non-blade cartridges, (i.e., Deboss, Pen or Vinyl tools), see Horizontal Adjustment.

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