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Outside Size: Making the Outside Size Static by Turning off Dynamic Outsides

How to Make the Outside Size Static by Turning Off Dynamic Outsides

How to Make the Outside Size Static by Turning Off Dynamic Outsides

  • These instructions will show you how to make the Outside Size Dimension static by turning off the Dynamic Outsides.

  • The Dynamic Outsides feature add the Border Size to the Bounding Rectangle of the current Group of Openings, adjusting the Outside Size as necessary.

  • The Dynamic Outsides will allow an opening dragged to the edge of the mat to readjust the Outside Size by adding the Borders around the current openings on the design.

  • However, if you want your Outside Dimensions to remain a fixed static size, it needs to be turned off.

  • Default Settings: See Admin > Editor for the default settings for the Dynamic Outsides.

Click the Dynamic Outside Button On to Adjust the Outside of the Mat to the Border Size Around Them
Dynamic Outsides On