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Borders: Different Left and Right Borders in the Design Editor

How to Make Different Left and Right Borders in the Design Editor

How to Make Different Left and Right Borders in the Design Editor

  • These instructions will show you how to make the Left and Right Borders different sizes using the Design Editor.

The Design with Different Left and Right Borders
  • Click New Mat Design on the FrameShop Main Page.

  • Click Cancel on the New Openings Screen.

  • On the Openings Tab, bring the template #101: Rectangle template onto the Editor.

  • Click on the Properties Tab to edit it.

  • Enter the desired size for the #101: Rectangle opening.

Place the Desired Template and Size it
  • Turn on Dynamic Outsides.

  • The current Border Size will be added to the Bounding Rectangle of the current design, and adjusts the Outside Dimensions.