File Formats

File Formats

The FrameShop software uses a variety of file formats each of which contain specific parameters. This section will describe what each of the different file formats are for.

Content File Types

.wca File Format

The WCA file format is the original Wizard CutArt file format. Wizard CutArt files are very flexible, as they can be scaled, mirrored, and their bevel types changed in the Design Editor. This legacy file format is now set to Read-Only and must be saved a WCX after making a change.

.wcx File Format

The WCX file format is the Wizard Extended CutArt files, and is the updated format from the WCA format. Wizard Extended CutArt files are very flexible, as they can be scaled, mirrored, and their bevel types changed on the the Design Editor.

.wpt File Format

The WPT file format is the FrameShop Template file format.

.orn File Format

The ORN file format is for Ornamentswhich are decorative design elements that can be applied to any Side or Layer of the #112 Ornamental Template in the Design Editor.

LetterMat File Type

.lmx File Format

The LMX file format is the LetterMat file format used for the new LetterMat files. The LetterMat™ fonts are specialized fonts designed specifically for Wizard FrameShop software.

Design File Types

.dxf - Vector File Format

The DXF file format saves as a Vector which can be opened in other Vector programs.

.json File Format

The JSON file format is the Horizon file format. Horizon is an on-line platform that allows consumers to design and order their projects.

.mwa - MatWriter Eclipse Saved File Format

MatWriter Eclipse Saved File Format

.mw3 - MatWriter Eclipse Saved File Format

MatWriter Eclipse Saved File Format

.svg - Vector File Format

The SVG file format saves as a Vector which can be opened in other Vector programs.

.wbx Box Design File Format

The WBX file format is the Box Design file format.

.wfx File Format

The WFX file format exports the complete project, which includes the design, images and the selected Textures, Colors and SKUs and snapshots from Visualization.

.wlf Wizard Nesting Layout File Format

The WLF file format is the Nesting Layout file format.

.wpx Wizard Path String Vector File Format

A WPX (Path) file format is the file format for Trace which saves all of the Vector elements of the design as you work, whether it is Traced or not. 

A WPX Path is a drawn Vector graphic path in Trace which is defined by a Start and End point, which may contain other Points, Curves, and Angles. The Paths are independent of resolution, which means they can be resized without losing detail.

When the design is completed, save it as a CutArt to load into the Design Editor.

.wzx File Format

The WZX file format is the primary Wizard FrameShop Design file format.

.wz2 File Format

The WZ2 file format is the legacy Wizard FrameShop Design file format. This has been updated to the WZX file format.

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