LetterMat International Language Characters Definition and Chart

LetterMat International Language Characters Definition and Chart

The LetterMat fonts are specialized fonts designed specifically for Wizard FrameShop software. Several of the fonts now include international language characters.

  • There are Wizard users in many countries, so the new FrameShop fonts include over 50 additional characters - most of the necessary characters for writing correct captions in German, Scandinavian, and the common Romance languages.

  • International language characters are typed into a LetterMat caption just as you would type these characters into other text programs.

  • Ordinary keyboards do not have all these characters, so each letter has a 4 digit code.

  • The code for Ä, a character in Finnish and German, is 0196.

  • To enter the Ä into the caption, hold the Alt key on the keyboard.

  • Type 0196 - the 4 digit code for the Ä. Be sure to keep holding the Alt key.

  • Release the Alt key after the 4 digits have been entered.

  • The Ä appears in the caption.

  • Continue typing to finish the caption. Enter any other characters using the same steps.

  • Alongside the mat designs showing German, Scandinavian, and Romance language captions, there is a table of characters with their 4 digit codes for that illustrated language group.


À Alt+0192 à Alt+0224 Á Alt+0193 á Alt+0225 Â Alt+0194 â Alt+0226 Ã Alt+0195

ã Alt+0227 Ä Alt+0196 ä Alt+0228 Å Alt+0197 å Alt+0229 Æ Alt+0198 æ Alt+0230

Ç Alt+0199 ç Alt+0231 È Alt+0200 è Alt+0232 É Alt+0201 é Alt+0233 Ê Alt+0202

ê Alt+0234 Ë Alt+0203 ë Alt+0235 Ì Alt+0204 ì Alt+0236 Í Alt+0205 í Alt+0237

Î Alt+0206 î Alt+0238 Ï Alt+0207 ï Alt+0239 Ñ Alt+0209 ñ Alt+0241 Ò Alt+0210

ò Alt+0242 Ó Alt+0211 ó Alt+0243 Ô Alt+0212 ô Alt+0244 Õ Alt+0213 õ Alt+0245

Ö Alt+0214 ö Alt+0246 Ø Alt+0216 ø Alt+0248 Œ Alt+0140 œ Alt+0156 Ù Alt+0217

ù Alt+0249 Ú Alt+0218 ú Alt+0250 Û Alt+0219 û - Alt+0251 Ü Alt+0220 ü Alt+0252

ß Alt+0223 ƒ Type # This is the old style German s

$ Type $ € Alt+0128 £ Alt+0163 ¥ Alt+0165

¡ Alt+0161 ¿ Alt+0191

! ' - , " . ? Type these punctuation marks using the normal keys.

Makings Captions Using International Characters

Makings Captions Using International Characters

The German Language Character Table

Ä Alt+0196 ä Alt+0228

Ö Alt+0214 ö Alt+0246

Ü Alt+0220 ü Alt+0252

ß Alt+0223 ƒ Type # This is the ancient style German s

€ Alt+0128

LetterMat With German Characters

The Roman Language Character Table

French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese have dozens of additional characters.

À Alt+0192 à Alt+0224 Á Alt+0193 á Alt+0225

 Alt+0194 â Alt+0226 à Alt+0195 ã Alt+0227

Ç Alt+0199 ç Alt+0231

È Alt+0200 è Alt+0232 É Alt+0201 é Alt+0233

Ê Alt+0202 ê Alt+0234 Ë Alt+0203 ë Alt+0235

Ì Alt+0204 ì Alt+0236 Í Alt+0205 í Alt+0237

Î Alt+0206 î Alt+0238 Ï Alt+0207 ï Alt+0239

Ñ Alt+0209 ñ Alt+0241

Ò Alt+0210 ò Alt+0242 Ó Alt+0211 ó Alt+0243

Ô Alt+0212 ô Alt+0244 Õ Alt+0213 õ Alt+0245

Œ Alt+0140 œ Alt+0156

Ù Alt+0217 ù Alt+0249 Ú Alt+0218 ú Alt+0250

Û Alt+0219 û Alt+0251 Ü Alt+0220 ü Alt+0252

LetterMat With Romance Characters

The Scandinavian Character Table

Å Alt+0197 å Alt+0229

Æ Alt+0198 æ Alt+0230

Ø Alt+0216 ø Alt+0248

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