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Complimentary Color Palette

Complimentary Color Palette

Complimentary Color Palette

  • The Complimentary Color Palette will show a palette of colors generated from the currently selected artwork. 

  • If the Complimentary Color Palette is not displayed, return to the Art Regions tab and click on the desired art region.

The Complimentary Color Palette displays a range of the averaged colors generated from the currently selected image in Visualization

These can be used to quickly select the matboard by Color or SKU.

Complimentary Colors Section Displays the Complimentary Colors of the Current Art Selection
Complimentary Colors Section Displays the Complimentary Colors of the Current Art Selection

Assigning a Complimentary Color 

Assigning a Complimentary Color 

  • Click on the desired complimentary color selection.

  • Select the desired mat layer to apply the color to from the popup menu.

  • Select either Color or Mat SKU.

    • If applying the Color, see Selecting Mat Color below.

    • If selecting Mat SKU, see Selecting Mat SKU below.

The Complimentary Color Palette displays a range of the averaged colors generated from the currently selected image in Visualization

These can be used to quickly select the matboard by Color or SKU.

Selecting Mat Color

Selecting Mat Color

The Complimentary Color Palette displays a range of the averaged colors generated from the currently selected image in Visualization

These can be used to quickly select the matboard by Color or SKU.

Subscribing to the specific Vendors allows you to select the desired SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) for Frames, Fillets and Mats in Designer and Visualize.  

If you are not Subscribed to the Vendor, their SKUs will not be displayed/selectable.

See: Subscription Definition

Selecting Mat SKU

Selecting Mat SKU

The Complimentary Color Palette displays a range of the averaged colors generated from the currently selected image in Visualization

These can be used to quickly select the matboard by Color or SKU.

See: Complimentary Color Palette

Select Color SKU

Select Color SKU