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Nesting Cut Order

Cut Order

Cut Order

  • The Cut Order section is where you can adjust the cut order of the design.  

    • The inside openings should be cut first, followed by the next opening outwards.

    • The designs should also cut upwards starting from the bottom of the mat to keep the fallouts from previously cut mats falling in the way of the mats still being cut.

Adjust the Cut Order of the Designs on the Cut Order Panel

Selecting Openings

Selecting Openings

  • Click on the opening on the editor or click on the opening's name on the Cut Order pane on the panel on the right side of the screen.

  • Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple openings. The number in front of the design name displays which layer you are editing.

  • The opening(s) are selected.

Select the Desired Object

Show Cut Order

Show Cut Order

  • Click Layout > Show Cut Order to display the cut order of the current Nesting layout.

  • The openings will display numbers that represent their cut order; i.e., opening number 1 will cut first.

Auto Cut Order

Auto Cut Order

Override the Cut Order

Override the Cut Order

Auto Order

Auto Order

Change the Cut Order

Change the Cut Order