Zoom Controls: FrameShop Visualize Editor

Zoom Controls

Zoom Controls

Use the Zoom Buttons to change the project view while editing.

Zoom Window

Zoom Window

Use Zoom Window to Zoom into a specified area of the screen. 

Click the Zoom Window button.

Draw a box around the desired area on the screen.

The screen zooms in to that area.

Zoom In

Zoom In

Zoom In about 50% on the screen. 

Click the Zoom In button.

The screen zooms in about 50%.

Zoom Out

Zoom Out

Zoom Out about 50% on the screen.

Click the Zoom Out button.

The screen zooms out about 50% unless the screen is already at the full screen view. 

Zoom All

Zoom All

Use Zoom All to zoom out to the full screen.

Click the Zoom All button.

The entire drawing zooms out to the full screen view.