Images Tab: FrameShop Visualize Editor

Images Tab

Images Tab

Images Tab

The Images tab where you can load images to use for the Visualize software. 

Loading Multiple Images
Select this topic to see information on Loading Multiple Images.

Take Picture

Select this topic to see information on the Taking a Picture function.

Load File Image

Select this topic to see information on Loading a File Image.

Load Server Image

Select this topic to see information on Loading Images from the Server.

Save Image to Server

Select this topic to see information on the Right-Click options to Save Image to the Server.

Set New Scale 

Select this topic to see information on the Set New Scale function to change the current scale factor.

Clear Regions

Select this topic to see information on the Clear Regions function to clear all of the selected mat, moulding and art region selections.

Rotate Counter-Clockwise 90°

Select this topic to see information on the Rotate Counter-Clockwise 90° function for images.

Rotate Clockwise 90°

Select this topic to see information on the Rotate Clockwise 90° function for images.

Mirror Image

Select this topic to see information on the Mirror Image Horizontally function.

Flip Image

Select this topic to see information on the Flip Image Vertically function.

Change Profile for Image

Select this topic to see information on the Change Profile for Image function for the camera color profiles.