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Tangifying an Object

  • Select the objects you want to tangify. 

  • Specify the desired Angle in the Tangify field.

    • Any selected Angles below this value will be made Tangent.

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Tangify Tool Definition
Tangify Tool Definition

The Tangify function will smooth the connection between the Selected Arc Circuits that are below the specified Angle in the Tangify field to provide a smoother cutting transition between the arcs. 

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Tangify Tool Definition

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  • Click the Tangify button.

  • The connection between the selected Arcs/Curves will now be made Tangent.


The Bezier/Spline Curve is defined by four points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called "Anchors") and Two Separate Middle Points (which are called "Handles"), which can be moved to change the shape of the Curve.

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Arc Tool Definition

The Tangify function will smooth the connection between the Selected Arc Circuits that are below the specified Angle in the Tangify field to provide a smoother cutting transition between the arcs. 

The Tangify All Circuits will smooth the connection between All of the ArcCircuits that are below the specified Angle in the Tangify field to provide a smoother cutting transition between the arcs. 
titleArc Definition

The Arc Tool tool function allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined curve in the Trace software.

The Arc has three points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called "anchors") and one separate Middle point (which is called a "handle") which can be moved to change the shape of the Arc.

titleCurve Definition
The Curvebutton allows you to draw a mathematically defined Bezier/Spline Curve in the Trace software.

Arc Tool Definition
nameArc Tool Definition
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Curve Tool Definition
Curve Tool Definition
nameCurve Tool Definition

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Exaggerated Example

  • Here is an exaggerated example to illustrate the process. 

  • Select the object you want to tangify.

  • Enter the desired Tangify angle in the Tangify field.

  • Click the Tangify button.

  • The

transition between the two curves are tangified to make the cutting smoother between them
  • connection between the selected Arcs/Curves will now be made Tangent.

Tangify All Circuits

InfoOptionally, select 

Default Settings

  • This will tangify all of the Circuits in the entire design.

  • Expand
    titleTangify All Circuits
    The Tangify All Circuits will smooth the connection between All of the ArcCircuits that are below the specified Angle in the Tangify field to provide a smoother cutting transition between the arcs. Image Removed