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Arc Design Details

  • Click on an Arc to see the specific details about it.

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Arc Tool Definition
Arc Tool Definition
nameArc Tool Definition

  • Design Details section displays information about the selected Arc.

Design Arc Details

Start X and Start Y 

  • Displays the Start X/Y Coordinates of the Arc's Start Point when drawn.

    • If you clicked on the upper left and drew by dragging to the lower right, that would make the start point in the upper left corner. 

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X and Y Position
X and Y Position
nameX and Y Position Definition

Mid X and Mid Y 

  • Displays the Mid point X and Y Coordinates.

End X and End Y 

  • Displays the End Point X and Y Coordinates.


  • Displays the Radius of the selected Arc.


  • Displays the Length of the Arc in the current dimensions.

Bevel Type 

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nameTraced Definition


  • Displays the Layer this object is assigned to if it is Traced
