Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Continuous Drawing On

Options > Continuous Drawing Selected

Select the Continuous Drawing feature to draw continuously without having to restart the current drawing tool command. The line/arc/curve will keep drawing until you select another tool or hit the Esc key. 

Drawing With Continuous Drawing On

Options > Continuous Drawing Selected

Select Continuous Drawing to allow the selected drawing tool, i.e., Line Tool, to continue to draw without having to restart the drawing tool process.

Select the Line Tool.

Click on the Editor to place the first point of the line.

Click to place the end point of the line.

Click to place the end point of the next line. The end point of one line will be the start point of the next line and will be connected to the previous line. 

Continue clicking points to drawing the lines of your design. 

To stop drawing, select another tool or command, or hit the Esc key.

Continuous Drawing Off

Options > Continuous Drawing Unselected

Unselect the Continuous Drawing feature to complete the current drawing tool sequence after the tool is drawn without starting a new drawing sequence.

Select the desired drawing tool, i.e., Line Tool.

Click on the Editor to place the first point of the line.

Click to place the end point of the line.

The drawing tool will stop drawing after the current drawing command has been completed. For a Line Tool, it will stop drawing after the click of the end point of the line. If you want to draw another line, you will have to click on the editor to place the first point of the new line.

Drawing With Continuous Drawing Off

Options > Continuous Drawing Unselected

Unselect the Continuous Drawing feature to stop drawing the current drawing tool at the completion of the full drawing command. For a Line Tool, it will stop drawing after the click of the end point of the line.

Select the desired drawing tool, i.e., Line Tool.

Click on the Editor to place the first point of the line.

Click to place the end point of the line. 

After the current line is drawn, you will have to click to place the first point of the next line. 

The lines will not be automatically connected together.