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Frames Defaults

Frames Defaults

Frames Defaults

Frame Records

  • The Frame Records List section displays the current Frame records.

  • Click on Products in the Admin section of the Main Screen.

  • Click on the Frames tab to open the Frames section.

Subscribing to a Vendor gives you electronic updates to that vendor’s Content.

If the user does not Subscribe to a particular Vendor, that Vendor's Content will not be displayed within the software.

Subscribing to a Vendor Displays That Vendor’s Content in the Software

See: Subscribing to Vendor Function

See: Mats Content Function

See: Frames Content Function

Frames Listing

Frame SKUs

Frame SKUs


Subscribing to the specific Vendors allows you to select the desired SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) for Frames, Fillets and Mats in Design and Visualize.  

If you are not Subscribed to the Vendor, their SKUs will not be displayed/selectable.

See: Subscription Definition


Last Updated

Search by SKU

Search by SKU

Subscribing to the specific Vendors allows you to select the desired SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) for Frames, Fillets and Mats in and Visualize.  

If you are not Subscribed to the Vendor, their SKUs will not be displayed/selectable.

See: Subscription Definition

Select Vendor

Select Vendor

Discontinued vs Unavailable

Discontinued vs Unavailable


Discontinued is checked if this Frame/Mat SKU item is discontinued and is no longer available to purchase as the vendor has flagged it as Discontinued.

A shop could still have product that is discontinued but still available if they have remaining stock to sell.

Discontinued items will still exist in the database for previously created tickets.

Unavailable is checked if this frame SKU item is unavailable.

Marking an item Unavailable removes the frame product from the SKU lists on the ticket screen and prevents the user from selecting and selling that product.

See: Mats Records

See: Frame Records


Discontinued is checked if this Frame/Mat SKU item is discontinued and is no longer available to purchase as the vendor has flagged it as Discontinued.

A shop could still have product that is discontinued but still available if they have remaining stock to sell.

Discontinued items will still exist in the database for previously created tickets.

Unavailable is checked if this frame SKU item is unavailable.

Marking an item Unavailable removes the frame product from the SKU lists on the ticket screen and prevents the user from selecting and selling that product.

See: Mats Records

See: Frame Records



Primary SKU 

Vendor SKU

User Defined SKU










Rabbet Width

Rabbet Height





Load Texture

Load Texture