Snapshot Preview: FrameShop Visualize Editor

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Snapshot Preview: FrameShop Visualize Editor

Snapshot Preview

Snapshot Preview

The Snapshot Preview allows the user to select and display several Snapshots taken for comparison purpose.

Compare Selected

Compare Selected

Select the desired Snapshot thumbnails then set to compare them to let the customer select which one they like. 

Select the desired Snapshots in the Snapshot section by holding down the Shift key and clicking on each Snapshot.

Optionally, click the Select All button.

Click the Compare Selected button which will open the selected Snapshots into the Snapshot Preview screen. 

On the Snapshot Preview screen, select how you would like the Snapshots displayed from the dropdown control. The Snapshots will be displayed as requested.

When you have decided on which Snapshot you like the best, take note of what thumbnail number it is.

Close the Snapshot Preview Screen by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner of the screen.

Remove Snapshot

Remove Snapshot

To delete a Snapshot, select the desired Snapshot from the Snapshot section.

Click Remove.

You will be prompted for confirmation. Click Yes to remove the Snapshot.

Set Current

Set Current

Once the customer has selected their favorite design, set it as the current design to either save or edit further.

In the Snapshot section, counting left to right and top/down, locate the desired thumbnail number the customer selected from the Snapshot viewer.

Click on it to select it. 

Click the Set Current button to load it as the current project.  

The project is now ready to be saved and/or cut.

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