Edit the Openings: FrameShop Visualize Editor

Edit the Openings

Edit the Openings

Move the openings to the desired positions to finish the design.

Go to the Preview Tab to move the openings into the desired positions. 

Moving the openings in the design can be done by simply dragging and dropping the openings to the desired positions. 


If you need to resize a selected piece of artwork, return to the Art Regions tab and with the artwork selected, edit the Selected Art Region’s dimensions.

For More Detailed Editing

For More Detailed Editing

If you need to do more detailed editing, bring the design into the FrameShop Design Editor.

For more detailed editing, click the Design icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

The design will be brought to the Design editor which has many editing tools available.

Use the Design components to edit the templates, and place the openings where desired.

Bring the Design to Visualize

Bring the Design to Visualize

When you have finished editing the design, bring it back into Visualize to visualize the finished piece.

When you have finished editing the design, click the Visualize icon in the upper right corner.

The design is returned to the Visualize software so you can visualize the finished piece.