Parameters Descriptions: FrameShop Box Editor

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Parameters Descriptions: FrameShop Box Editor

Box Parameters

Box Parameters

Flap 2 Radius: Flap 2 Radius controls the radius on the Flap 2 tuck-in tab. Increase the Flap 2 Radius to increase the radius of the Flap 2 tuck-in tab; decrease the Flap 2 Radius to decrease the radius of the Flap 2 tuck-in tab. 

Flap 2 Width: Flap 2 Width controls the depth of the tuck-in tab. Increase the Flap 2 Width to increase the depth of the tab; decrease the Flap 2 Width to decrease the depth of the tab. 

Flap Width: The Flap Width determines the width of the folded flap that tucks into the box. Increase the Flap Width to increase the folded flap; decrease the Flap Width to decrease the width of the folded flap. 

Grip Offset: The Grip Offset controls where the folded line is on the box. Increase the Grip Offset to move the folded line toward the outside of the box; decrease the Grip Offset to move the folded line toward the inside of the box. 

Inner Flap Taper: The Inner Flap Taper controls how much the Inner Flap that folds to create the ends of the box is tapered to a narrower end. Increase the Inner Flap Taper to make the end more angled; decrease the Inner Flap Taper to make the end more straight-cut. 

Inner Flap: The Inner Flap designates how long the inner flap is that folds to create the ends of the box. Increase the Inner Flap to make the flaps longer; decrease the Inner Flap to make the flaps shorter. 

Lid Depth: The Lid Depth designates how deep the lid is and how deep it fits onto the box. Increase the Lid Depth to increase the depth for the lid; decrease the Lid Depth to make the lid depth shallower. 

Lid Inner Taper: The Lid Inner Taper controls how much the Lid Inner Flap that folds to create the ends of the box lid is tapered to a narrow end. Increase the Lid Inner Flap Taper to make the end more angled; decrease the Lid Inner Flap Taper to make the end more straight-cut. 

Lid Inner Flap: The Lid Inner Flap designates how long the lid inner flap is that folds to create the ends of the box lid. Increase the Lid Inner Flap to make the flaps longer; decrease the Lid Inner Flap to make the flaps shorter. 

Lid Outer Taper: The Lid Flap Taper controls how much the Lid Outer Flap is tapered to a narrow end that folds over the inner flaps to create the ends on the box lid. Increase the Lid Outer Flap Taper to make the end more angled; decrease the Lid Outer Flap Taper to make the end more straight-cut. 

Lid Outer Flap: The Lid Outer Flap designates how large the lid outer flap is that folds over the lid inner flaps to create the ends of the box lid. Increase the Lid Outer Flap to make the lid flaps longer; decrease the Lid Outer Flap to make the lid flaps shorter. 

Offset: Offset is the distance between the Base and the Lid if you are cutting both pieces on the same piece of material. 

Outer Flap Taper: The Outer Flap Taper controls how much the Outer Flap is tapered to a narrower end that folds over the inner flaps to create the ends on the box. Increase the Outer Flap Taper to make the end more angled; decrease the Outer Flap Taper to make the end more straight-cut. 

Outer Flap: The Outer Flap designates how long the outer flap is that folds over the inner flaps to create the ends and sides of the box. Increase the Outer Flap to make the flaps longer; decrease the Outer Flap to make the flaps shorter. 

Tab Width: The Tab Width is the width of the tab that tucks into the box to lock the sides into place. Increase the Tab Width to make the Tab wider; decrease the Tab Width to make the Tab narrower.

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