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The Jersey packages contain a great number of different designs, most of which contain standard a Jersey CutArt, sometimes an Open V-Groove, and a selection of template openings which allow you the freedom to change their size, shape or position.

These designs can be easily cut as-is, but can be personalize as desired.

Selecting the Design

Lets use one of the Jersey Cards design for an example. I loaded Jersey Design 1 Cards-1.

This design contains a Jersey CutArt, and Open V-Groove CutArt, nine Card rectangles, and one Nameplate rectangle.

Rotating the Full Design

If the Jersey design is displayed side-ways, here is how to Rotate it so that it is viewed right-side-up. You can rotate it sideways on the Cut Preview in order to cut it.

Select all of the objects by clicking CTRL + A.

Click the Group Button.

The openings are now grouped together and treated as a single opening.

Click the Advanced Tab.

Click the -90 Rotation button. The design rotate 90° Counter-Clockwise.

Click the Dynamic Outsides button to reset the outside dimensions. Click the Merge button to ungroup the design and click on the background to unselect the openings. The design is now rotated.

Editing the Card Openings

There are nine simple rectangles for the Cards in this design.

Select one of the Cards and click on Properties. If you want to make the change to all of the Cards, select each card by holding down the CTRL Key and clicking on each Card opening.

From here, you can do the following edits:

As you make these adjustments you will see the changes appear immediately on the screen.

Editing the Open V-Groove in Trace

If you decide that you would like the Nameplate to be a different size, the Open V-Groove will need to be edited.

First, resize the Nameplate and place it into the desired position and save the design.

Select the Nameplate and the Open V-Groove.

Right-Click and select Convert to CutArt.

This will bring the Nameplate and the Open V-Groove into Trace.

Offset the Nameplate

Click on the outer Nameplate line.

In the Offset field, enter the amount of space you want to place between the Nameplate and the V-Groove. We put 1.5”.

Make sure the Offset direction is set to - (minus) and click the Offset button.

The outer Nameplate line will offset outward 1.5”.

Break Nameplate and Open V-Groove

Select the new offset rectangle and the Open V-Groove.

Click on the Break button, which will break the lines where they intersect.

Delete Unneeded Lines

Click on the unneeded lines and click the Delete button to remove them. Make sure to leave the new lines that connect the Open V-Groove together.

Also delete the Nameplate, as we only want the new Open V-Groove to be on the screen.

Connect the Open V-Groove

Click Edit > Auto Join Segments.

This will connect the lines making up the Open V-Groove and making it a single object.

Trace the Open V-Groove

Click the Set Bevels Tab.

Click on the Open V-Groove to select it.

Click the Set button next to the desired bevel type.

Here we are tracing it as a 45° opening.

The Open V-Groove changes to the color of the bevel/cartridge type selected.

Save the Open V-Groove

Click the Save button and save the Open V-Groove. Take care to give it a different filename than the original Open V-Groove and take note of where you save it.

Load the New Open V-Groove

Close Trace and return to the original Jersey design.

Delete the original Open V-Groove.

Load the new Open V-Groove file and place it on the design.

Edit as Desired

You can also use these same steps to make changes to the Jersey CutArt as well, making it longer, shorter, adjust the shoulders, etc.
See the Trace manual for other adjustments you can make:
Online Trace Manual

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