Mar 22, 2023
Nov 11, 2024
The Arc
/wiki/spaces/FrameShop8x/pages/1942694083tool allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined
Arc in
The Arc is defined by three points: the initial position and the terminating position (which are called "anchors") and one separate middle point (which is called a "handle").
The shape of an Arc can be altered by moving the handle.
This is drawn with the Arc button in Trace.
Click the Arc button.
Click to place each of the three points: start, middle, and end point.
Left-click sets the point under the cursor.
Right-click snaps to the nearest point.
Initial Position (Anchor)
Middle Point(Handle) which can be moved to change the shape of the Arc
Terminating Position (Anchor)
When drawing:
Left-Click sets the Point under the Cursor
Right-Click Snapsto the nearest Point
Bringing the design from Designer or using the /wiki/spaces/FrameShop8x/pages/1942692800 process will convert the Arcs to Splines/Curves which are easier to Tangify to make cuts smoother.
The Arc/wiki/spaces/FrameShop8x/pages/1942694083tool allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined Arc in Trace.
Full Definition: Arc Tool Definition
Arc Design Details: Trace
Arc Tool: Draw Section: Trace
Adjusting the Tangification: Trace
Changing a Line into an Arc: Draw Section: Trace
Convert Arcs to Splines
Curve Design Details: Trace
Curve Tool: Draw Section: Trace
Displaying the Tangification Highlight Function
Show Control Points: Trace
Show Cut Order Numbers: Trace
Show Start Points: Trace
Tangent Threshold
Tangification Highlight Function: Trace
Tangify Tool