Measuring Tape Properties
Point 1 and Point 2 are the two control points of the current Tape Measure tool, displayed as highlighted squares.
These points are referenced from the bottom-left of the design.
Points of the Measuring Tape
Point 1 - Tape Measure
Point 1 is the lower left point ofUnsnapping the Measuring Tape From the Objects
To unsnap the Measuring Tape, click on one of the lines of the Measuring Tape (not the corners).
Drag it to the desired position.
X is the horizontal position.
Y is the vertical position.
Fields are editable.
Point 2 - Tape Measure Point 2 is the upper right point of the Tape Measure.
X is the horizontal position.
Y is the vertical position.
Fields are editable.
Measuring Tape Size
The Measuring Tape Width is displayed on the Width field and on the horizontal line of the Measuring Tape.
The Measuring Tape Height is displayed on the Height field and on the vertical line of the Measuring Tape.
The Distance is measured between Point 1 and Point 2 and is displayed on the diagonal line of the Measuring Tape.
Snapping Points of the Measuring Tape
Click and drag one of the points of the Measuring Tape to a control point of the desired object (sides/corners), where it will snap to it and turn red.
Click on the other point of the Measuring Tape point and drag it to the other desired object, letting it snap to one of the control points.
The measurements between each of the triangular points are displayed along the Measuring Tape.
The Measuring Tape will remain snapped to the object even if you move or resize the object.