Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Move Object

We're going to move the heart to make room for the second layer. It doesn't matter where we move it to since we'll be saving it as a CutArt, just as long as there is room on the screen for the second layer.

Make sure the heart is still selected.

Click and drag it to the center of the design bounds. 

Take care not to click and drag one of the segment points of the heart itself which will change the shape of the heart. If you do, just click Undo.

Release the mouse to place it.

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Offset Circuit

Now we'll Offset the heart to make a second layer.

Make sure the heart is still selected.

Change the Offset direction* to minus (-) by selecting it from the dropdown control.

Leave the Reveal value at .25".


  • Enclosed objects:

    • Positive value offsets to the inside.

    • Negative value offsets to the outside.

  • Arcs and Curves Greater than 180 Degrees

 use the same rules as for closed objects.

  • For lines, imagine a line's start point to be the center of a circle. The plus offsets clockwise and minus offsets counterclockwise. 

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Click the Offset Circuit button.  

The heart is offset to create the second layer.

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Convert to Splines/Tangify

Click Edit > Convert Arcs to Splines. The splines can be tangified with less distortion, which will give a smoother cutting path for the design.

Click on Edit > Tangify all Circuits. This makes each arc tangent to each other for smoother cutting.

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Trace, Save, Cut

Trace the CutArt.

Save the CutArt.

Load the CutArt.

Cut the CutArt.

Optionally, you can also bring the CutArt straight to the Cut Preview from Trace.

The heart design is completed.

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Optional Design

You can achieve a different design by retaining the original left side of the heart and only editing the right side. 

Offset the heart to make the second layer.

Continue as described above.

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You can see how much we changed the design when you compare it to the original version.

Edited Both Halves for the Heart:

Image AddedImage Added

Edited One Half of the Heart:

Image AddedImage Added