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Cutting an Extra Dense Layer with the 90 Degree Cartridge

These instructions will show how to adjust the air pressure on the head in order to cut extra dense material using the 90 Degree cartridge.

This setting is only for the 90° Cartridge and will not take affect if another cartridge is selected. This setting will allow the 90° Cartridge to cut at a slower pace.

The Variable Pressure Optimization (VPO) Feature allows the user to compensate for dense and extra dense matboard. Not all CMC models have this feature.

Adjusting the Head Air Pressure for Extra Dense Matboard

These instructions will show how to adjust the air pressure on the head in order to cut dense material.

The head air regulator is located on the left side of the head and controls the pressure of the footblock against the matboard as it is cutting.  

The minimum operating air pressure is 35 psi.

The maximum air pressure should be less than 60 psi to avoid crushing the matboard.   

The software will prompt for a head pressure change only if the current mat is a different setting than the previously cut mat. If the settings are the same as the previously cut mat, the CMC will skip the following instructions and proceed to cut the mat.

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Cutting an Extra Dense Layer with the 90 Degree Cartridge

Select the desired layer on the Cutting Preview.

Click the Cut Speeds button to open the Cut Speeds screen.

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Click the checkbox for Extra Dense Material. Dense Material will automatically be selected.

Adjust the slidebar underneath the checkbox to the desired percentage of cutting speed. For instance, 50% is 50% of the standard cutting speed.

Click OK.

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Click on the Blade Depth button to open the Blade Depth screen.

Change the Blade Depth to the appropriate setting for this matboard.

Click OK.

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The Cutting Preview displays the Dense layer with a pound sign and indicates that this layer is Extra Dense.

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Click Cut to cut the mat and Align the Head if requested.

The Head plunges at the home position and applies the current pressure. It then displays a prompt to adjust the head pressure to the high setting. 

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Pull out the air regulator pressure knob by pulling it to the left.

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Turn the air regulator pressure knob clockwise until the marker on the gauge is at the high setting, as indicated by the bracket to the right of the air pressure gauge.

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Make sure the gauge does not go above 60 psi.

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Push the air regulator pressure knob back in by pushing it to the right.

Click OK to cut the mat with this setting.

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