Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

How to Make a Corner Sample

  • This will show you how to make a Corner Sample with 45° bevel for the “opening” and a 90° bevel for the ends and outside edges.

  • It will also show you a way to alter the design to make them more space-saving.

  • This also includes how to make four Corner Samples at once with the #111: Quad template.

  • Click New Mat Design on the FrameShop Main Page.

  • Click Cancel on the New Openings Screen.

  • Click on the Properties Tab.

  • Change the Outside Dimensions to 21x21.

    • We will be cutting the design into fourths, making the Corner Sample 10.5”.

    • If you want a different size of Corner Sample, adjust the size accordingly.

  • Make sure that the Dynamic Outsides toggle is Off.

  • Click on the Openings Tab.

  • Bring over the desired template onto the Editor.

  • For this example, we placed the #201: 4 Staircase onto the Editor.

  • NOTE: Selecting different Templates and adjusting their Parameters will give you an unlimited range of creative options.

  • Click on the Properties Tab.

  • Change the size of the template to 17x17.

  • Change it to One layer.

  • Center the opening.

  • If desired, click on Parameters and make any other desired adjustments for this template.

  • When you bring designs into Trace, the outside is ignored.

  • This is because CutArts are designed to be openings only, so that when you place them into the Design Editor, you can resize it and adjust the outside dimensions as desired.

  • Therefore, we’re going to trick the software in order to have an “outside” of the mat for our Corner Sample.

  • Place a #101: Rectangle on the Editor.

  • Click on Properties.

  • Change the size of the template to 21x21.

  • Change it to One layer.

  • Center the opening.

  • Hit Ctrl+A to Select All of the openings.

    • You should see the Control Points for each opening displayed.

  • Right-Click and select Convert to CutArt.

  • The design opens up in Trace.

  • Now we will split the design into fourths.

  • Click on the Line button.

  • Right-Click on the top center Control Point to snap to this point.

    • If you don’t see the Control Points, click Options > Show Control Points.

  • Hold down the Ctrl key so you can draw in Ortho Mode (Horizontal/Vertical only).

  • Move the cursor past the center Control Point at the bottom and click to place the line.

  • Hit ESC to stop drawing if you have Continuous Drawing on.

  • Right-Click on the left outside center Control Point to snap to this point.

  • Hold down the Ctrl key so you can draw in Ortho Mode (Horizontal/Vertical only).

  • Move the cursor past the center Control Point at the right and click to place the line.

  • Hit ESC to stop drawing if you have Continuous Drawing on.

  • Now we will have to move the new lines past the top and left points so that we can break the Intersections at these points.

  • Click on the Edit Radio Button.

  • Click on the Vertical line to select it; it will turn White.

  • Move your Cursor to the top point of the line.

  • Hold down the Ctrl point and click and move the Control Point of the line past the top of the design.

    • This part can be tricky, as it easy to select the center point of the outside of the drawing. If you accidentally do, simply click the Undo button or hit Ctrl+Z for undo and try again.

  • Now we will do the same with the other line.

  • Click on the Horizontal line to select it; it will turn White.

  • Move your Cursor to the left point of the line.

  • Hold down the Ctrl point and click and move the Control Point of the line past the design to the left.

    • This part can be tricky, as it is easy to select the center point of the outside of the drawing. If you accidentally do, simply click the Undo button or hit Ctrl+Z for undo and try again.

    • It helps if you make sure only the Line turns white, showing that it is in focus.

  • Now we can break up our design into Fourths.

  • Click Edit > Break All Intersections.

  • All of the lines that intersect will now be broken where they crossed over each other.

  • Now we will delete all of the unwanted lines.

    • Take care not to delete the bottom and right lines as we will still need them.

  • For the right side and bottom side of the design, you can draw a rectangle around those sections and click Delete.

    • Note: Drawing the selection rectangle through a line will select that line.

  • The remaining lines may need to be deleted separately.

  • The unwanted lines are deleted.

  • The Corner Sample looks completed, but there will be problem is if we try to trace it like this.

  • We want the “opening” of the Corner Sample to be cut at 45° and the “outside” and “ends” cut at 90°.

  • In this current state, we can only pick one bevel type.

  • Therefore, we have to Offset some of the lines to create the opening and the outside as separately enclosed objects, which can each be traced with different bevel types.

  • Click on the right line just under the Corner Sample.

  • We’re going to leave the Offset value to .25, but feel free to adjust it.

  • Click on the < button in the Offset field to offset it to the outside.

  • The line is Offset to the outside of the Corner Sample.

    • If it doesn’t Offset to the outside, click Undo and then use the > button in the Offset field instead.


Offset Rules:

Enclosed Objects:

  • The Left < button will offset an enclosed object to the outside.

  • The Right > button will offset an enclosed object to the inside.

Arcs and Curves greater than 180 Degrees use the same rules as closed objects. 

Unenclosed Objects:

For unenclosed objects the arrow buttons depend on the direction of travel of the vector segments, starting from the line’s start point. The Left < button offsets Clockwise and Right > button offsets Counter-Clockwise.

If it doesn’t Offset in the expected direction, click Undo and click the other Offset Direction.

  • Click on the bottom line just under the Corner Sample.

  • Click on the > button in the Offset field to offset it to the outside.

  • The line is Offset to the outside of the Corner Sample.

    • If it doesn’t Offset to the outside, click Undo and then use the < button in the Offset field instead.

  • Now we’re going to connect our segments.

  • Click Edit > Auto Join Segments.

  • The main adjoining segments will connect together.

  • Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the main section of the opening, then the two new lines we had Offset.

  • Click the Join button.

  • All but the last corner are connected, depending upon the template.


  • Click the Close button if necessary.

  • Now our openingis an enclosed object.

  • Now we will do the same thing for the outside of the Corner Sample.

  • Hold down the Ctrl key and click on each line of the outside and click the Join button.

  • Both the opening and the outside are now connected as enclosed objects and can now be traced.

  • Click on the Set Bevels Tab.

  • Click on the opening; it will turn white.

  • Select the desired bevel type (i.e., 45° Bevel) and click the Set button next to that bevel type.

  • The opening will turn the color of the bevel type selected.

  • Click on the outside; it will turn white.

  • Since there is no “outside” bevel type in Trace, select 90° Opening and click the Set button.

  • The outside will turn the color of the bevel type selected.

  • Save the design.

  • Make sure that you have the CutArt filetype selected.

  • When you load it back into the Design Editor and into the Cut Preview, it will look strange since we literally have an opening overlapping another opening.

  • Just remember that it will cut the openingand then cut off the pieces no longer needed in order to make the outside a different bevel type.

  • The Corner Sample of this template is now completed.
