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Corner Sample Basic Creation

How to Make a Corner Sample

How to Make a Corner Sample

  • This will show you how to make a Corner Sample with 45° bevel for the “opening” and a 90° bevel for the ends and outside edges.

  • It will also show you a way to alter the design to make them more space-saving.

  • This also includes how to make four Corner Samples at once with the #111: Quad template.

Make a Corner Sample of the Desired Templates
  • Click New Mat Design on the FrameShop Main Page.

  • Click Cancel on the New Openings Screen.

  • Click on the Properties Tab.

  • Change the Outside Dimensions to 21x21.

    • We will be cutting the design into fourths, making the Corner Sample 10.5”.

    • If you want a different size of Corner Sample, adjust the size accordingly.

  • Make sure that the Dynamic Outsides toggle is Off.

Set the Outside Size and Turn Off Dynamic Outsides
  • Click on the Openings Tab.

  • Bring over the desired template onto the Editor.

  • For this example, we placed the #201: 4 Staircase onto the Editor.