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Subscription Defaults

  • The Subscription section allows to user to select which Vendors to subscribe to in order to download their content.

  • Click on Admin in the Admin section of the Main Screen.

  • Click on the Subscription tab to open the Subscription section.

  • Default Settings:

  • See Admin > Vendors for the default settings for Vendors you are Subscribed to.

  • See Admin > Frames for the default settings for Frame Records for Vendors you are Subscribed to.

  • See Admin > Mats for the default settings for Mat Records for Vendors you are Subscribed to.

titleSubscription Definition

Subscribing to a Vendor gives you electronic updates to that vendor’s Content.

If the user does not Subscribe to a particular Vendor, that Vendor's Content will not be displayed within the software.

See: Subscribing to Vendor Function

See: Mats Content Function

See: Frames Content Function


Available Vendors

  • The Available Vendors list in the left column displays the list of all vendors available from the Wizard database.

  • Only vendors that are subscribed to will have their content displayed in the software.

  • Move the desired vendor from the Available Vendors section to the Subscribed Vendors section in order to subscribe to them (described below in Subscribe: Move Vendor to the Subscribed Vendors Column).

Subscribed Vendors

  • The Subscribed Vendors list in the right column displays the vendors that have been subscribed to.

  • Only vendors that are subscribed to will have their content displayed in the software.

  • Move the desired vendor from the Available Vendors section to the Subscribed Vendors section in order to subscribe to them (described below in Subscribe: Move Vendor to the Subscribed Vendors Column).

titleSubscription Definition

Subscribing to a Vendor gives you electronic updates to that vendor’s Content.

If the user does not Subscribe to a particular Vendor, that Vendor's Content will not be displayed within the software.

See: Subscribing to Vendor Function

See: Mats Content Function

See: Frames Content Function

Subscribe: Move Vendor to the Subscribed Vendors Column   

  • Move the desired vendor from the Available Vendors section to the Subscribed Vendors section in order to subscribe to them.

  • Only vendors that are subscribed to will have their content displayed in the software.

  • Click on the desired vendor in the Available Vendors list.

  • Click on the move right arrow ([>]) between the two columns.

  • The desired vendor will be moved to the Subscribed Vendors list.

  • Click Save.

  • The content for the subscribed vendors will be automatically downloaded.

titleSubscription Definition

Subscribing to a Vendor gives you electronic updates to that vendor’s Content.

If the user does not Subscribe to a particular Vendor, that Vendor's Content will not be displayed within the software.

See: Subscribing to Vendor Function

See: Mats Content Function

See: Frames Content Function

Unsubscribe: Move Vendor to the Available Vendors Column 

  • Move the desired vendor from the Subscribed Vendors section to the Available Vendors section in order to unsubscribe to them.

  • Only vendors that are subscribed to will have their content displayed in the software.

  • Click on the desired vendor in the Subscribed Vendors list.

  • Click on the move left arrow ([<]) between the two columns.

  • The desired vendor will be moved to the Available Vendors list.

  • Click Save.

  • The content for the unsubscribed vendors will be automatically removed.

titleSubscription Definition

Subscribing to a Vendor gives you electronic updates to that vendor’s Content.

If the user does not Subscribe to a particular Vendor, that Vendor's Content will not be displayed within the software.

See: Subscribing to Vendor Function

See: Mats Content Function

See: Frames Content Function

Refresh Vendor List  

  • Use the Refresh Vendor List button to refresh the list of all available vendors from the Wizard server. 

  • Click the Refresh Vendor List button. 

  • The list of all available vendors will be downloaded from the Wizard server into the Available Vendors listing.

  • If any new vendors have been added, they will be displayed in a pop-up screen.

  • Click OK to dismiss the pop-up screen.
