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Depth Bias

The Depth Bias Formula

[(Default Depth) - 10]

  • For example, if the normal blade depth for 4-ply is 11, then 11-10=1, so enter 1 for the Depth Bias.

Enter Depth Bias

  1. Select the desired Blade Cartridge Type Tab.

  2. Determine what the normal blade depth is for this cartridge.

  3. Subtract 10 from your Default Blade Depth.

    1. This may be a negative number.

  4. Enter the number into the Depth Bias field for this cartridge.

The Depth Bias is Used to Calculate the Proper Blade Depth when the SKU Selected for the Matboard Contains the Matboard Thickness
  • If the Blade Depth is cut Too Deep, Decrease the Depth Bias.

  • If the Blade Depth is cut Too Shallow, Increase the Depth Bias.

The Depth Bias is used to calculate the proper Blade Depth when the SKU selected for the matboard contains the Matboard Thickness.

The formula is: [(Default Depth) - 10]

For example, if the normal Blade Depth for 4-ply is 11, then 11-10=1, so enter 1 for the Depth Bias.

The Depth Bias is Used to Calculate the Proper Blade Depth when the SKU Selected for the Matboard Contains the Matboard Thickness