Application Defaults: MatDesigner

Application Defaults: MatDesigner

MatDesigner Admin: Application Defaults

MatDesigner Admin: Application Defaults

Click on Application Defaults on the main screen.

The application default screen for the MatDesigner software will open.



Set New Locale: Click Set New Locale to select a new language set for the MatDesigner. Default is English (United States).

Unit of Measurement: Select desired unit of measurement from the dropdown control.

Unit of measurement follows locale but can be selected independently. Select inches, centimeters or millimeters.

Layer Direction: Select desired layer mat direction from the dropdown control.

Order of mat layers controls direction for entering reveals and for cutting: select bottom-up/top-down.

Reveals section in the defaults screen reflects this value.

Blade icon next to the cut button on the cut preview screen displays which direction the design will cut.

Remember Most Recent: Enter the number of recent mats to display on the most recent tab of the load saved mat screen, to a maximum of 20 mats.

Matboard Library

Matboard Library

Use Mat Library: Select Use Mat Library to enable selecting desired matboard sku per layer.

Unselect Use Mat Library to disable this feature.

Show Mat Colors: Select Show Mat Colors to display the color of the selected matboard sku, if available.

Unselect Show Mat Colors to display MatDesigner default mat colors.

Change DB Settings: Click Change DB Settings to change the database settings, such as server name, instance name, and database name. This feature is a part of the IF Retail Management software.



Default Exposure Width: Enter the default exposure width for fillets.

Remember Last Width: Select Remember Last Width to use the last width used for the next Fillet.

Unselect Remember Last Width to use the default width.

Search POS: Select Search POS to search the POS for this fillet.

Unselect Search POS to not search for this fillet.

Visualize Moulding: Select Visualize Moulding to display a visual representation of the moulding.

Unselect Visualize Moulding to display moulding as dotted lines.

Overage Allowance: Enter the desired overage allowance.


Password Check

Password Check

Defaults: Enter the desired password required to gain access to the Defaults screen. Caution: Do not forget the password!

Cutting Configurations: Enter the desired password required to gain access to the configurations screen.



Remember Previous: Select Remember Previous to use the settings used for the previously created design. Make note that this includes items such as rail dodge and continuous layer.

Start With Settings: Select Start With Settings to start a new mat with the following settings as selected.

Dynamic Outsides: Select Dynamic Outsides to automatically apply the border size to the array of openings, adjusting the outside dimensions as necessary. With dynamic outsides on, a new opening dragged to the edge of the mat will readjust the outside dimensions as the borders form around the current openings.

Unselect Dynamic Outsides to make the outside dimension stagnant.

Borders Active: Select Borders Active to toggle the border lines on where openings will snap to the border lines.

Unselect Borders Active to deactivate border lines.

Guides Active: Select Guides Active to toggle the guide lines on where openings will snap to the guide lines.

Unselect Guides Active to deactivate guides.

Bottom Layer XY: Select Bottom Layer XY to position openings from bottom layer.

Unselect Bottom Layer XY to position openings from top layer.

New Openings Screen

New Openings Screen

Opening Size First? Select Opening Size First to make the opening size the first field in the new openings screen.

Unselect Opening Size First to make the outside size the first field in the new openings screen.

Skip “New Openings”: Select Skip New Openings to bypass the new openings screen and go directly to the editor.

Unselect Skip New Openings to have the new openings screen open when creating a new mat.

Borders Order:

Select the desired order for the border fields on the new openings screen.

  • Bottom, Top, Sides

  • Top, Sides, Bottom

Auto Label Multi Openings: Select Auto Label Multi Openings to label new openings on the editor with width/height of the opening.

Unselect Auto Label Multi Openings to not add a label to new openings.



Default Mat Options: Enter desired width/height default for outside dimension.

Cut the Outside: Select Cut the Outside to default to cutting the outside.

Unselect Cut the Outside to default to not cutting the outside.

Default Opening Options: Enter desired width/height default for openings size.

Default Layers: Enter desired default number of layers.



Enter desired default reveal value for each layer.

The layer direction is set under Global: Layer Direction.



Top, Left, Right, Bottom: Enter desired default border size in the designated fields.

Borders are measured from edge of the mat to objects.

Even Borders: Select Even Borders to make borders same size around the mat, thus requiring only one number field to be entered.

Unselect Even Borders to enter weighted borders.

Lock Borders: Select Lock Borders to lock the border lines so that they cannot be adjusted by dragging them with a mouse.

When locked, border corners change from green to white.

Borders will readjust to new outside dimensions if Dynamic Borders is on.

Unselect Lock Borders to make the borders adjustable with the mouse.

Apply Borders to: Select the desired direction to apply borders.

Arrow direction displayed on new openings screen indicates whether borders are applied top layer down/bottom layer up.

  • Top Layer: Select Apply Borders to Top Layer to apply the borders to the top layer.

  • Bottom Layer: Select Apply Borders to Bottom Layer to apply the borders to the bottom layer.



LetterMat Options:

Default Text: Enter default text to display when designing a LetterMat.

Default Font: Select default font for LetterMat.

True Type Font (TTF) Options:

Default Text: Enter the default text to display when designing a TTF.

Default Font: Select default font for TTF.

Add Button Option: Select the desired behavior from the dropdown control.

Select Enabled to allow end-user to create TTFs.

Select Disabled to disable the TTF function by greying out the button.

Select Hidden to disable and hide the TTF function.



Pen Number: Select the pen number to edit.

Pen Name: Enter the desired pen name description.

Pen Color: Click Color and select the pen color using the standard Windows color picker.



Remember Previous: Use the settings used from the last mat created.

Start With Settings: Start with the following settings as selected.

Rail Dodge: Selecting Rail Dodge defaults to using a rail dodge.

A rail dodge is used to manually position mat at least 1.5” (3.8 cm) up and over to avoid cutting the outside when cutting borders less than 1.5” (3.8 cm). Enter the amount you have moved the mat in the Rail Dodge field.

Unselecting Rail Dodge defaults to not using a rail dodge.

Continuous Layer: Selecting Continuous Layer defaults to remaining on current layer.

Unselecting Continuous Layer defaults to rolling over next layer.

Cutting From Front: Selecting Cutting from Front defaults to cutting from the front.

Unselecting Cutting from Front defaults to cutting from the back.

V-Grooves, Deboss, Pen Cartridge and openings on that layer will still be cut from the front of the mat.

90° Outside Cuts: Selecting 90° Outside Cuts defaults to cutting the outside with the 90° Cartridge.

Note: User will still need to select Cut the Outside on the cut preview to actually cut the outside of the mat, but it will cut with the 90° if selected.

Unselecting 90° Outside Cuts defaults to cutting the outside with the normal bevel cartridge.


Blade Depth

Blade Depth

Default Depth: Enter the desired default blade depth number for regular matboard.

V-Groove Depth: Enter the desired default blade depth number for V-Grooves.



Tiling cuts multiple instances of the current design onto the same matboard.

Board Size: Enter default width/height for the outside board size to be used when tiling.

Spacing: Enter default spacing between openings when tiling.



daVinci allows you to print onto the matboard before cutting it.

Information on the daVinci software is located in the daVinci manual.

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