Head Attachment: CMC 5000

Head Attachment: CMC 5000

Attaching the CMC 5000 Head

Attaching the CMC 5000 Head

Before attaching the cutting head, you will need to remove the horizontal bolt from the right hinge on the Trolley Plate using the 9/64 Allen Wrench. The Trolley Plate is the flat plate located between the Gantry Arms.

Next, carefully unwrap the cutting head from the bubble wrap.

Warning: Take care when handling the head, as the blade is sharp. Note the position of the blade for future reference.


Gently insert the head onto the bolt located on the left hinge.

Holding the head carefully in place, align the hole on the right side of the head to the hole located on the right hinge.

Insert the horizonal bolt into the hole located on the right side of the head and into the hole located on the right hinge.

Tighten the horizontal bolt into place using the 9/64 Allen Wrench. The connection will be tight, so take care not to strip the screw. After you have tightened the screw, back it off one turn.

Warning: Do not over-tighten the horizontal bolt, or the head will not rotate into the closed position.

Connect the Head Power Plug by gripping the white plug housing firmly (not the flexible cable), and gently rocking it back and forth while pressing it into the housing until in plugs in.

Connect the air supply by screwing in the airline connector.

You are done!

New Plunge Speed Feature

New Plunge Speed Feature

Your new head has a new updated plunge speed feature. Because the plunge speed is factory set, you will not have to adjust your plunge speed if you have Wizard version 4.6 or later.

If you have Wizard version 4.5 or previous, you may need to adjust your plunge speed on rare occasions. To adjust your plunge speed, you will need a small slotted screwdriver. Make note that this is a fine adjustment, and adjustments should only be done in 1/4-1/2 turns. To increase the plunge speed, you would turn the Plunge Speed Adjustment Screw counter-clockwise. To decrease the plunge speed, you would turn the Plunge Speed Adjustment Screw clockwise.

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