Enhanced Templates

Enhanced Templates

Enhanced Templates

Enhanced Templates

The Enhanced Templates available through our Webstore contain a great variety of different refined templates to add to your creativity.

These packages also contain several design examples of different treatments of the template shapes to give you an easy start toward inspiration.

Each package comes with documentation that will describe the specific parametric properties available for each template.

Templates are specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard.

Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters.

The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use.

Template Slots

See: Template Properties

See: Template Library

Mat Designs are complete mat designs containing openings and can contain decorative or thematic elements to be cut/applied on the CMC created in the Design Editor and Visualization.

Mat Design Example


Using the Enhanced Templates

Using the Enhanced Templates

  • These designs are meant to be used as the beginnings for projects.

    • Open the Template to design a project from scratch.

    • Open one of the Template’s design projects and enter the opening size to suit the current project. Change the Border widths and the Outside size to suit the current project, and the design is ready to cut.

Adjusting Number of Layers and Reveal Widths

Adjusting Number of Layers and Reveal Widths

  • You may want to add or eliminate layers of the opening or change the Reveal widths.

  • Make these changes as you would in any other mat design.

Making Parameter Adjustments

Making Parameter Adjustments

  • Just like the standard templates available in the FrameShop software, the Enhanced Templates each have their own parametric adjustments which can alter the decorative details of the shape by changing the Parameters.

  • The Parameters are specific to the individual Enhanced Template and allows you great control over the final opening, giving you complete personalized options.

  • Remember that you can hold the Alt key on the keyboard as you click the plus and minus buttons beside the parameter fields. This will change the values only 0.01 inch per click (0.2mm in metric) instead of the usual sixteenth inch per click (1mm in metric).

  • When values are small, a few hundredths of an inch can be a big change.

  • Feel free to experiment with the parameters to see the different changes you can make to each template.

The Parameters are set of specified variable characteristics related to the selected object that can be modified through the accompanying fields in the Design Editor.

For example, the Chamfer is the symmetrical angled surface at the corner of the Template.

In the Design Editor, the Template Parameter Map displays a diagram describing each parameter field for the current Template.

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