The Curve function allows you to draw a mathematically defined four-point Curve in Trace.
Initial Position (Anchor)
Two Middle Points (Handles) which can be moved to change the shape of the Curve
Terminating Position (Anchor)
When drawing:
Left-Click sets the Point under the Cursor
Right-Click Snaps to the nearest Point
The Convert Arc to Splines process will convert any Arcs to Splines/Curves which are easier to Tangify to make cuts smoother.
Arc Design Details: Trace
Arc Tool: Draw Section: Trace
Adjusting the Tangification: Trace
Changing a Line into an Arc: Draw Section: Trace
Convert Arcs to Splines
Curve Design Details: Trace
Curve Tool: Draw Section: Trace
Displaying the Tangification Highlight Function
Show Control Points: Trace
Show Cut Order Numbers: Trace
Show Start Points: Trace
Tangent Threshold
Tangification Highlight Function: Trace
Tangify Tool