Configuration Backup and Overcut Display: Cut Preview

Configuration Backup and Overcut Display: Cut Preview

Troubleshooting the Backup/Overcut Display: Cut Preview

Troubleshooting the Backup/Overcut Display: Cut Preview

  • Have a cut design displayed on the Cut Preview.

  • Note that this feature is only available for the Bladed Cartridges.

  • Using one of the Zoom buttons, zoom in to the desired section of the project where you are having issues cutting.


Zoom In on the Desired Section of the Project
  • Make sure that the Green Backups and Red Overcuts lines are visible.

Exterior Backup Definition
Interior Backup Definition
Exterior Overcut Definition
Interior Overcut Definition
Make Sure the Backup and Overcut Colors are Displayed
  • With the cursor hovering over one of the Backups or Overcuts, the Status Bar displays the actual physical length of the selected Backup or Overcut.

  • This value will be the Sum of the corresponding User Configuration setting and the Factory Configuration setting.