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Template #106: Mixed Properties

The #106 Mixed Template

The #106 Mixed Template

  • The #106 Mixed template allows the user to select a different template for each layer.

  • Use the Template Properties to edit the individual proprietary adjustments available for the template objects.

Templates are specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard.

Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters.

The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use.

Template Slots

See: Template Properties

See: Template Library

Select Template #106: Mixed
  • This example shows the Mixed Template using template 606 Arrow Hd Sm on the top layer and template 604 Taos on the bottom layer.

#106 Mixed Template Properties

#106 Mixed Template Properties

  • Place the #106 Mixed Template on the Editor.

  • Click on the #106 Mixed Template on the Editor.

  • Click on the Properties Tab to edit the individual proprietary adjustments available for this template opening.

  • Optionally, Right-Click on the template opening and select Properties to open the Template Properties.

Template Opening

Template Opening

Template Opening


The Style button displays the current Template Name and Number in Designer

Click the Template Name and Number to select a new Template from the Template Library.

See: Templates Definition

See: Template Library Definition



The Sizes Button displays the Recent and Standard sizes. 

Recent lists the last ten sizes entered.

Standard lists Standard sizes associated with the current unit of measurement.

The Swap Button switches the values between the width and height fields.

Lock or Unlock Size

Lock or Unlock Size

Use the Lock/Unlock feature to prevent the size of the opening from being changed by accidentally dragging the control corners with the mouse in Designer.

See: Lock/Unlock Function

X and Y Position Fields

X and Y Position Fields

Rotation Entry Field

Rotation Entry Field

Template Options Reveal Tab

Template Options Reveal Tab

Number of Layers

Layers for this template opening. 


Cartridge Icon

Cartridge Icon

Reverse Bevel

Reverse Bevel

Template Options Parameters

Template Options Parameters

Template Parameter Map

Template Parameter Map

Assigning a Template to Each Layer

Assigning a Template to Each Layer

Availability of Other Cartridges

Availability of Other Cartridges