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Line Tool: Trace

Line Tool

Line Tool

  • The Line button allows you to draw a Line.

  • Click to place the two points of the Line:

    • Start Point

    • End Point

  • The drawn Line displays a Center Point which can be used to turn the Line into an Arc.


  • For Additional Information:

  • See Line Design Details for details displayed on the selected Line.

Left-Click sets the Point under the Cursor.

Right-Click Snaps to the nearest Point.

Hold down the CTRL key to draw in Ortho Mode; i.e., Horizontally/Vertically only.

The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. 

The Line is defined by two points: Initial Position (called an Anchor) and the Terminating Position (called an Anchor).

After it is drawn, a third point in the Center will be displayed, which can be moved to alter the line into an Arc.

Drawing a Line

See: Line Tool Function

Drawing a Line