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Flip Design: Trace

Flip Design

Flip Design

  • Select Edit > Flip Design and select Vertical or Horizontal from the dropdown control.

  • The entire design will be flipped in the direction selected.

The Flip function in Trace will Flip the Selected Objects Horizontally or Vertically.

The Flip Design function in Trace will Flip the entire Design Horizontally or Vertically.

Flip Objects Button
Select Whether to Flip the Design Vertically or Horizontally

Flipping the Design

Flipping the Design

  • Have the design on the screen. 

  • Select Edit > Flip Design > Horizontal/Vertical to flip the entire design Horizontally or Vertically.  

  • The entire design is flipped over in the direction selected.

The Flip function in Trace will Flip the Selected Objects Horizontally or Vertically.

The Flip Design function in Trace will Flip the entire Design Horizontally or Vertically.

Flip Objects

Flip Objects

The Flip function in Trace will Flip the Selected Objects Horizontally or Vertically.

The Flip Design function in Trace will Flip the entire Design Horizontally or Vertically.

Mirror Objects

Mirror Objects

The Mirror function will create a Mirror copy of the selected object along the selected axis in Trace and Designer and mirror the image horizontally in Visualize.

See: Mirror in Trace Function

See: Mirror CutArt in Designer

See: Mirror Image in Visualization