Save SKU Images: FrameShop Visualize Editor

Save SKU Images

Save SKU Images

The selected thumbnails of the Frame Moulding Texture/Matboard Texture and/or Color can be saved to their associated SKUs by saving the SKU images or when you save the project.

This allows the selected thumbnails to be displayed the next time you select that particular SKU.

Saving SKU Images

Saving SKU Images

Click File > Save SKU Images to save the Frame Moulding/Matboard thumbnails selected to the appropriate SKUs. 

Select the checkbox for each new Frame texture/Matboard texture and/or color selection that you wish to save with the SKU that has been entered.

The checkbox is grayed out for any SKUs that already have a texture/color assigned to it.

Click the Save button.

The next time you select this SKU when designing a project, the saved texture/color will be applied to the design.