Display Current Layer Only: FrameShop Cut Preview Screen

Display Current Layer Only

Display Current Layer Only

Use the Display Current Layer Only toggle to display the current layer only, which may be helpful when working on a complicated design on the CMC Z1, Z (9000z), 9000, and 8000.

NOTE: You may have to set the Cut Preview Screen to full screen to view this toggle.

Display Current Layer Only On

Display Current Layer Only On

Click the Display Current Layer Only toggle On to display only the current layer on the Cut Preview Screen.

Click the Display Current Layer Only toggle to On.

Only the current layer is displayed, suppressing the other layers. 

NOTE: You may have to set the Cut Preview Screen to full screen to view this toggle. 

Display Current Layer Only Off

Display Current Layer Only Off

Click the Display Current Layer Only toggle to Off to display all layers of the current design on the Cut Preview Screen.

Click the Display Current Layer Only toggle to Off.

All layers of the design are displayed. 

NOTE: You may have to set the Cut Preview Screen to full screen to view this toggle.