Sheets: FrameShop Nesting Editor

This FrameShop Online Help System is for an older Version of FrameShop.

The updated 7.x FrameShop Online Help can be found here: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/hgApYw

If you are running FrameShop version FrameShop 4.1 or above you can update your software by clicking on Options then Check For Update.

What to Expect When Updating to FrameShop 7x from FrameShop 4x: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQDWaQ

FrameShop Installation Documents: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/_1snYw

Sheets: FrameShop Nesting Editor



The Sheets section displays the listing of each sheet of matboard of the projects added to the layout. Layer 1 is designated as the top layer.

The SKU numbers will be displayed if the design layers have been assigned SKU numbers. 

If a new design is loaded to the current layout, openings with the same SKU will be added to the layers of the same SKU.

NOTE: A maximum of only six layers/SKUs are available.  When you load a design containing SKUs, each SKU will be assigned to a layer. Therefore, if you load a combination of mats that contain more than six different SKUs, you will have to reduce the number of designs loaded until only six layers/SKUs maximum is loaded.

See Unable to Add One or More Design Layers for more information.