Auto Align Circuits: FrameShop Trace Editor

Auto Align Circuits On

Auto Align Circuits On

Options > Auto Align Circuits Selected 

Select the Auto Align Circuits feature to display alignment lines when the cursor lines up with the control points of another object.

Using Auto Align Circuits On

Using Auto Align Circuits On

Options > Auto Align Circuits Selected

Select Auto Align Circuits to display alignment lines as you draw or move objects when the cursor aligns up with the control point of another object.

Auto Align Circuits Off

Auto Align Circuits Off

Options > Auto Align Circuits Unselected 

Unselect the Auto Align Circuits feature to not display any alignment lines when the cursor lines up with the control points of another object.

Using Auto Align Circuits Off

Using Auto Align Circuits Off

Options > Auto Align Circuits Unselected

Unselect the Auto Align Circuits feature to not display alignment lines as you draw or move objects when the cursor lines up with the control points of another object.