View: FrameShop Browse Screen

View Ticket

View Ticket

With the desired design selected, click on either the View button or select View Ticket from the View dropdown control.

Click View Ticket Button to View Current Saved Design

The design will open up in Design unless it is a saved Box, in which it will open in the Box utility.

Design Will Open to the Designer Editor

View Order

View Order

With the desired design selected, click on the View button and select View Order from the View dropdown control.

The order containing the designs within it will open.

Creating Design Orders

Creating Design Orders

You can create an order containing several different design for a customer.

Click the Click to Assign Customer link on the Design or Visualize editor.

Select or create the Customer record.

Click the Select and Close button.

Create your design and save it.

To create the next design in this order, click File > New > Design/Visualization.

Create the next design.

Click the Save button to bring up the Save Design screen.  

Click the checkbox for Save As New Design and the checkbox for With Current Order and give it a new filename. 

The design will be saved and be included in the current customer order. 

The designs will now be saved under the same Order number as viewed on the Browse screen.

Repeat this process until all of the designs in this order are completed.