Opening Adjustment on V-Grooves: FrameShop Configurations Screen

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Opening Adjustment on V-Grooves: FrameShop Configurations Screen

Opening Adjustment for V-Grooves

Opening Adjustment for V-Grooves

Adjust the Opening Adjustment if the V-Groove is cutting the wrong size. 

Opening Adjustment Controls the Size of the Opening

Current V-Groove Bevel Type

Current V-Groove Bevel Type

Select the desired Cartridge Tab and then the bevel type you want to edit from the Current Bevel Type dropdown control before making adjustments. The V-Groove is automatically cut from the front of the mat.

  • V-Groove

Select the Desired Bevel Type From the Bevel Type Dropdown Control

V-Groove Size too Big

V-Groove Size too Big

The V-Groove is cutting too big.

Decrease the Opening Adjustment.

The object will now be the correct size.

When making adjustments, click either the minus or plus button (-/+) at the end of the desired field about five or six times in the direction indicated. Click OK and do a test cut. Check the results of the cut and continue making adjustments until the desired outcome is achieved.

V-Groove Size too Small

V-Groove Size too Small

The V-Groove is cutting too small.

Increase the Opening Adjustment.

The object will now be the correct size.

When making adjustments, click either the minus or plus button (-/+) at the end of the desired field about five or six times in the direction indicated. Click OK and do a test cut. Check the results of the cut and continue making adjustments until the desired outcome is achieved.

V-Groove Width

V-Groove Width

To adjust the actual width of the V-Groove itself, see Width Adjustment (V-Groove).

Opening Adjustment in the Troubleshooting Screen

Opening Adjustment in the Troubleshooting Screen

Alternatively, adjust the Opening Adjustment in the Troubleshooting Screen by entering the measured height and width of the V-Groove into the appropriate fields and clicking the Calc Opening Adjustment button. Make sure that only the V-Groove is present on the screen, otherwise the Troubleshooting Button will be grayed out.

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